Third harry potter book
Third harry potter book

This time, as his younger self, Tom Riddle. And just when they thought their second year would just be breezing through, Harry learns that he can speak Parseltongue, they encounter the Chamber of Secrets, and again, ended the year with a Voldemort face-off. Harry Potter and his friends return to Hogwarts for their second year - this time with an epic entrance - as the flying Ford Anglia of the Weasleys come crashing into the Whomping Willow. The following year, it was released in the United States as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. It was first published in the United Kingdom in 1997. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is the novel that started it all. The news was delivered rather forcefully by Hagrid, a gruff half-giant who’s bound to accompany Harry on his first mystical adventure. You’re a wizard, Harry! As Harry turns eleven, he finally learns of his true nature - a wizard celebrated in the magic world for having defeated He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named (er.Voldemort) when he was just a baby.

third harry potter book

However, with all these book and movies in tow, people are still left wondering - how many Harry Potter books are there? Let’s find out. In fact, it created the Potterverse and the most popular fantasy movie of all time. Rowling gave us a glimpse of what would be an iconic series.

third harry potter book

It’s been more than two decades since J.K.

Third harry potter book